Monday, September 9, 2013


It's 115 days until 2014. The last 30 days for me have not been great on a healthy living scale. Exercise has been great, eating has been bad, very bad. I need to RE-ESTABLISH my healthy habits.

My husband, who has been tremendously supportive of my lifestyle change, is in desperate need of his own lifestyle makeover. His diet is poor, he doesn't exercise, he doesn't sleep well, he averages 20 oz of water a day, and his spiritual life could be better. He needs to establish healthy habits so he is a PRIME candidate for the Green vs Red system.

So we have agreed to work on meeting daily goals together every day for the next 115 days. I will post both of our cards every day. The idea is that instead of falling into the trap of "starting" our healthy lifestyle after Halloween (and all that candy) or Thanksgiving (and all that turkey and mashed potatoes) or Christmas (and all the yummy treats and favorite holiday dishes), we would begin today. You see, we will have a PLAN for healthy eating to navigate our way through those trigger points listed above.

Then when 2014 rolls around, we won't be sitting at an all time high weight like years past, depressed yet determined to "Start Over". We will be experiencing the satisfaction of first having accomplished a goal (staying on track for 115 days and changing habits) and we will also be thinner, have more energy and in my hubby's case, hopefully be getting more sleep.

Sounds like quite the plan. But one thing I know for sure, we can do it. I know we can.

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