Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Two BIG victories:

1. Was very sick last week, had company in town this week for 5 days, attended a concert and celebrated Mother's Day and I remained 76% GREEN over those 5 days. I think that is pretty good! Especially compared to my "old habits" when company was in town. I used to eat constantly when we had company. I would cook fattening food, go out to restaurants and eat fattening food and not exercise. All in all, I would always gain weight!

This time I ate healthy and stayed active. We all worked out hard on Mother's Day (I got to choose what I wanted to do), went climbing at an indoor gym on Monday and attended boot camp yesterday and today. It feels GREAT and EMPOWERING to CHOOSE HEALTHY HABITS!

2. I have OVERCOME the bad habit of "grazing" in the evenings. In the past, I have often consumed a large number of calories between the time we put our kids in bed and when I would go to bed. Many times I would come downstairs and find myself standing in the pantry or in front of the open refrigerator looking for something (anything) to eat. This habit had NOTHING to do with physical hunger and EVERYTHING to do with emotional stress. I realized tonight that I have broken that habit because once I finished dinner and fresh fruit for dessert, I never gave a second thought to eating anything else!

If you have never struggled with emotional overeating, it might be hard to understand, but I experienced FREEDOM in this area tonight. I actually have been experiencing this freedom for a while now, however, I realized I was FREE tonight when it dawned on me that it has been weeks since I have found myself staring in the pantry!

Wow. Awesome!! Thank you God!!

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