Sunday, March 30, 2014

DAY 34/365, 177.4 LBS, Up .8 LBS, TWL 7.2 LBS

Well it has been a rough few days. The good news is I have logged every day for 35 days and I am 1/12 of the way to my goal of logging every day for 1 year.

I have NOT done a good job of meeting my 5 daily goals.  I have been WAY off my eating plan, daily quiet time, exercising and planning out my daily schedule for the last 5 days.  I know these things all help me to have a successful day, yet I choose not to do them.

I say I want to lose weight and be healthy.  However, I am clearly making choices every day that say I really don't want to lose weight and be healthy.  I think I either need to do what I say I want to do, or admit that I really don't and that I am lying to myself and others and quit worrying about it.  I'm tired of being stressed about my eating and I don't feel well physically or emotionally right now.  Plus, I want to be the kind of person who follows through when I say I am going to do something, I want to do it.  But just logging, without intentionally trying to reach 100% GREEN everyday, is not going to result in changed habits. All I am really doing right now is documenting my dysfunctional eating  and lifestyle habits that I have had for a very long time.  

I'm logging what I'm going to eat tomorrow before I go to bed tonight.  That way, I'm not going to get hungry and eat something without it being logged.  That should stop one of my recent areas  where I have struggled.  I'm also going to write out my daily schedule.  Structure helps.  I'm aiming for 100 % GREEN tomorrow.

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