Thursday, February 20, 2014

No Quiet Time--No Peace Weight Today-173.2, TWL 11.4 lbs

I didn't get up early this morning for my daily quiet time.  Once I did wake up, I had a jam-packed schedule all day long.  Not getting up for my quiet time is like choosing to have a hectic, stressful day.   I spend all day feeling tense, rushed, and uneasy.  I tend to eat food seeking to calm the storm inside my soul.

When I begin my day studying God's word and writing in my prayer journal, I am filled with an unexplainable peace.  I feel centered.  I feel happy.  I feel content.  I don't tend to feel hungry.  I tend to be more focused on the tasks I need to accomplish for that day.  It is hard to explain but there is a difference.

My food choices weren't great today.  I ate some less that healthy foods (chips, peanut butter crackers, cupcake and cherry cobbler).  I also ate too much food in general.  I am going to plan out my food for tomorrow early in the day.  I am going to log it all ahead of time and eat what I have pre-planned on eating.  My eating has been so out of control for so long now, I am having a hard time getting it back to a normal amount of healthy foods.

I need to commit to completing my GREEN vs. RED cards.  I know what I need to do to be successful, I just need to do it.

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