Sunday, August 11, 2013

Much Better. 154.6

83% Green today. However, those sugar grams are killing me. Today's culprits: mango, peach and Kind bar.

I was weighed and measured for the 3 month Bootcamp contest (May - July). I lost 16 LBS and some inches as well. I will post the actual numbers when I get them. Some contestants couldn't weigh today so we won't know the results until Wednesday, August 14th. The trainers said I'm in the running for the top spot. It would be great to win. However, I'm glad the pressure of thinking about the contest is over. Glad to get back to my Green vs Red system with no secondary focus.

The trainers helped me set a goal weight today. I have intentionally not done so before now. I didn't want this journey to be about getting to a specific number on the scale. However, I'm okay with having a number in mind at this point.

140 LBS is my goal weight. 15 LBS left to lose. 16 weeks of bootcamp before the end of the year. About 1 LB of weight loss per week. ONE DAY AT A TIME. I can do this. I KNOW I can.

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