Friday, October 4, 2013

DAY 26/115

I had an "Aha" moment last night when I posted to the blog without filling out my card.  Usually, I post right before I go to bed because I am completing my card and Bob is completing his card at that time of night.  Sometimes that adds to the lateness of the night.  I am trying really hard to have a cut off time at night that I begin getting ready for bed.  That time is 9:00 p.m.  That means I am going to change my blog posting time to sometime earlier in the day.  I don't have to make that the last thing I do at night. In fact it would be better in almost every way to get that task completed earlier in the day.

9:00 p.m. seems incredibly early to me.  Seriously!  For years, I was just getting going on my to-do list at that time of night.  Before starting bootcamp 18 months ago, I would often stay up until 1:00 or 2:00 a.m.  It has been a process (I think I am a REALLY slow learner), to figure out that sleep has to be a priority.  AND if it is a priority, by the nature of the word priority, I must make getting sleep more important that other things that are NOT a priority.

The problem is that as a mom, I have lots of priorities.  I am in the process now of evaluating how I spend my time during the day.  I have enough time during the day to get my TRUE priorities completed.  IF I spend my time on those things.  What are the priorities I have indentified so far?

My Faith
My Husband
Our Kids
Our home
My outside commitments (volunteer activities/coaching kids' teams)

Under each of these categories there is a sublist of responsibilities.  There is a limited amount of time.  I need to have a plan each day of how I will use my time to the best of my ability.   I need to be willing to stop at a certain time of day to honor my body's need for sleep and rejuvenation.  I certainly don't have the balance in my life yet, or our family's life yet, that I would like to have, but it is getting better.

It is a process.
It is stopping to consider what my priorities are before I commit to something else.
It is breaking bad habits of overcommiting to things.
It is learning.
It is showing myself and my family grace when we are out of balance.
It is trusting the Lord to give me direction and to trust His guidance.
It is a journey.

But it is getting better.  Maybe a little slower than I would like sometimes but I believe I will get there.

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