Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Needless to say, I was SHOCKED when my weight dropped over 2 lbs in one night. I figure my weight was up artificially due to eating at On the Border Saturday night. We ate dinner late, I was 600 calories over my goal and I ate chips which were salty.

However, regardless of how the drop happened, I'm going to take it, enjoy it and allow it to boost my confidence that this system is working.

Getting below 170 has been a mental/ emotional struggle for a long time. I just looked through my old Weight Watcher booklets to see the last time I weighed in the 160's. When I have time, I will actually create a chart of all the ups and downs of my weight over the last many years. But here are the basics. I attended Weight Watcher meetings semi- regularly from April 2008 through October 2011 (3.5 years!!). I lost A LOT of weight during that time. Unfortunately, I also gained A LOT of weight during that time. Here are the high- (or low) lights:

April 5, 2008: 184.4 lbs (first recorded WW weight during this period. I had attended meetings several years before)

April 16, 2009: 159.6 lbs (lowest recorded WW weight) I lasted about 12 hours at that weight and then I sabotaged myself. I was so afraid I wouldn't be able to keep the weight off, and I wouldn't be able to lose anymore, I felt very stressed/obsessed with eating and the scale. I didn't mean to sabotage myself, but in effect, that is what happened.

January 4, 2010: 193.6 lbs (highest recorded WW weight)

October 17, 2011: 172.6 lbs (last recorded WW weight).  So, after 3 1/2 years of attending meetings and weighing in, MY NET WEIGHT LOSS WAS A WHOPPING 11.8 LBS!

My struggle with getting below 170 happened In May 2010 about a year after reaching my low weight of 159.6 lbs.  I got back down to 170 lbs but could not, for the life of me, get BELOW 170!  I weighed in 4 weeks in a row. My weight was (170.0, 170.6, 170.0, and 170.4). I was doing everything I could do to get below 170! After that 4th week, I became so frustrated I went off the "diet deep end". My weight on the 5th week was 177.8 lbs! I'm pretty sure I haven't gotten below 172.6 lbs since that time (3 whole years!) and I've spent a significant amount of time weighing 185 - 195 lbs!

The term I think best describes how I feel right now is FREE! Free from the mental garbage that kept me in bondage to a "diet mentality" and the scale. Although I am super excited about my weight dropping, I am most excited because I feel strong and healthy! I love reading my Bible and praying every morning. I love not having cravings for sweets anymore. I love feeling hungry sometimes. The way I used to eat didn't allow my body to ever get truly hungry. It is very satisfying to eat a healthy meal when you are truly hungry!

One of the best things about the GREEN vs RED system is that I feel NO PRESSURE or STRESS about how I am going to keep this weight off this time.  I have truly changed my lifestyle.  I LOVE living a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE.  I LOVE that my kids and husband can see the difference in my eating and attitude.  I LOVE that I feel much more positive in general (more like my old self).  My husband and kids have been such an encouragement and are just as excited about all the GREENS as I am!

This is not a "magic" diet secret or special food, it is just being consistent with healthy choices.  If I can do this, ANYONE can do this!!!

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